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M.S. Occupational Therapy

Thomas Jefferson University 

Philadelphia, PA


B.S. Rehabilitation and Human Services

Minor in Psychology 

Penn State University

State College, PA


March 2023

Spring 2019

Spring 2019

Spring 2011

Spring 2011

Alumni Achievement Award   

The Pennsylvania State Alumni Association 

The Alumni Achievement Award recognizes alumni 35 years of age and younger for their extraordinary professional accomplishments

Acceptance speech:

College of Education Interview:


Voted Best Home Health Care service

Devon, Pennsylvania

Devon Business Recognition 

OT Award of Recognition

Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association 

Recognized for being an “Innovator in Specialized Dementia Care” 

Recipient of the Undergraduate Student Award for Direct Service 

Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association 

Nominated for research and advocacy for the role of occupational therapy with people with mental health conditions 

Recipient of the Laurel Award for Outstanding Service

Penn State, University Park, PA 

Recognized for valuable contributions in the areas of service and volunteerism to the campus and community 


  • Certified Dementia Practitioner

    • July 2019 – Present

  • NBCOT Practice Area of Emphasis: Older Adult

    • Apr. 2019 – Present 

  • Certified Skills2Care® Master Trainer

    • May 2017 – Present

  • LSVT BIG Certification

    •  Mar. 2016 – July 2021

  • Fieldwork Educators Certificate Program Workshop

    • Completed Feb. 2014

  • Skills2Care® Certification

    • Jan. 2014 – Present

  • Occupational Therapist Registered, #317565

    • 11/13/2013 – 03/31/2025

  • Licensed Occupational Therapist, Pennsylvania, #OC013187

    • 11/19/2013 – 06/30/2025

  • Licensed Occupational Therapist, New Jersey, #46TR00704900

    • 08/06/2015 – 09/30/2025

  • Licensed Occupational Therapist, Vermont,  #072.0134374

    • 06/27/2023 -- 05/31/2024

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