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Rachel Wiley, MS, OTR/L, CDP

Dementia OT

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Hello! Thanks so much for checking out my website; I'm grateful that you're here.


This website houses links for my businesses, offerings, projects, and background. Should you have any additional questions about my services or qualifications, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!  

If you are new here, you may not know that I have wanted to be an occupational therapist since I was in 7th grade, and I've been working with older adults living with dementia since my first job at age 15. Later in my life, my grandmother and both of her sisters passed away with dementia. Their maiden name was Day, which is why I named my first practice, "Day By Day Home Therapy"in their honor. I'm extremely passionate about dementia care both personally and professionally.


My hope is to improve access and quality of dementia services for those living with dementia and their families and provide opportunities for healthcare providers and professionals to enhance their skills and build their confidence in providing dementia care. 

Let me know if you need anything!

Dementia Consulting logo

Offering 1:1 Dementia Consultations and Coaching 

Our team of occupational therapy consultants are all certified in the evidence-based Skills2Care® program. This program was developed by researchers at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and was designed to help family care partners of people living with dementia manage day to day challenges more effectively.

Dementia Collaborative logo

Offering education and training for healthcare professionals

The Dementia Collaborative offers Skills2Care Certification training for occupational therapy practitioners, the Dementia Squad for professional support, continuing education opportunities, training for agencies, and speaking engagements. The Dementia Collaborative also houses the directory to locate Skills2Care certified occupational therapists across the country.

Skills2Care® Training

Woman on a computer

Skills2Care Certification Training for Occupational Therapy Practitioners to deliver the evidence-based Skills2Care program to care partners of people living with dementia 

Man on a computer

For occupational therapy practitioners enrolled in the Skills2Care certification course and who need to schedule a missed coaching session or present a case report. Schedule a 30 minute session via this link.

Woman on a computer

For Skills2Care certified occupational therapy practitioners to maintain their active certification (every 2 years)

Map in Grass

A directory for healthcare professionals or the public to identify Skills2Care certified occupational therapy practitioners in their region  

Woman Studying on computer

For occupational therapy practitioners who want a refresher to continue to provide the Skills2care program

For Professionals

Women Holding Hands

A membership group for dementia care professionals to discuss common challenges that occur in the world of dementia care and host guest speakers to speak on a variety of topics

Rachel Wiley speaking at a podium

Hire me to present on any dementia-related topic. Find common topics & pricing here. 

Medical Staff

This training package providers learners with knowledge and skills to address the needs of individuals living with dementia and is customized to each setting. Commonly provided to non medical home care agencies and CCRC staff.


Opportunities for continuing education for occupational therapy practitioners and other healthcare providers

Man Trying App

Products and resources available for purchase and download.

Meeting at the office

For professionals seeking guidance on supporting clients with dementia, starting a practice, or integrating Skills2Care® into an existing practice 

For Care Partners (Family Caregivers)

Video Consultation

For specific recommendations in handling day to day care challenges.

Offered to care partners in PA, NJ, and VT.

Map in Grass

A directory to identify Skills2Care certified occupational therapy practitioners in your region  

On a Video Call

For identifying what types of resources may benefit you or your family member living with dementia

Offered to care partners in any location

Book Stack

Links for activity resources, book, and other helpful organizations.

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A resource book to support care partners in identifying and adapting activities to supporting meaningful participation for the person living with dementia.

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